What are the technologies used at front and back end?
ASP.NET framework on Front End and SQL 2014 for Back End.
How can our attendance machine be integrated with Talentview?
Talentview has attendance APIs on which relevant data can be posted. Talentview will use its utility service to read data from the attendance device and post it on Talentview attendance database.
What are the server details of Talentview?
Following are the Talentview server details:
  • Hosting Provider
    Own Colocation Data Center (Amsterdam)
  • Technology
    Net Application
  • Specs
    Processor (Xeon E7-4830 2.13GHz) RAM 8GB (We keep on scaling it up depending on the traffic).
What are the client machine requirements?
Preferred Client Machine Specification are as below:
OS: Windows 8+, Vista
Browsers: Chrome and Firefox
Reports Export: Microsoft Office 2010
Processor: i3 and above
A Robust Internet Connectivity for an improved user experience.
What is the average length of Implementation?
It various depending on the overall scope of work. It may range from 8 Weeks to 6 Months.
Does your system offer tax related reports for uploading on the FBR Portal?
Yes, we have a section called “FBR Compliance” within Payroll Module for uploading relevant tax documents.

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