Asset Management

Asset Management

Asset management solution enable companies to manage the assignment of equipment to their employees. These equipment can range from assigning a laptop to a car to the employee. Branch admin has the right to assign particular assets to their sub ordinates right after the on boarding process as per their designation. They can also have the following metrics viewed on their dashboards:

  • Total assets in stock
  • Number of assets in use
  • Number of assets deployed
  • Number of assets disposed
  • Number of assets depreciated

Similarly, during the off boarding process, the branch admin could run a report, which shows all the assets assigned to that employee.

At last, the asset management software gives the right to the department personnel to notify the purchasing department by raising a purchase requisition for the required equipments.

Likewise, the module manages the record of each equipment by mentioning the name of the assignee, acquisition date, gross value, and the salvage value of the asset.

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